12929 E Sprague Ave
Spokane Valley, WA 99216
We have less than 45 days to get this done, as we have no room for failure! We do this, or we lose this.
Casting the Vision For the Future
Brian Heywood, the founder of Let's Go Washington, will be our keynote speaker. He will share the vision of how we take back our state through the initiative process. He will educate, inspire, motivate, and help empower you with the knowledge that we are the change, and the initiative process is powerful way we CAN do this!
Discover How You (We) Are The Change
You are part of making history here in Washington State. See how being involved in the initiative-gathering process can be one of the most important and rewarding things that ANY citizen can do. Join us to see how and how you can be part of this historic movement to save our state, freedom and liberties.
How We Finish Strong Together
We need to gather not just "enough" signatures, but we need to gather MUCH MORE than enough - increasing our "cushion." We need to overwhelm and demand attention to our voice and our resolute demands. We will discuss how we do this and how we get to the finish line as a force that is united and strong.
This is your unique and monumental opportunity to be part of something bigger than yourself by empowering citizens with a voice that must and will be heard. It is how we can stop turn the tide against unjust laws and ensure that we the people maintain control from an out-of-control government.